“healing” massage technique that relieves anxiety, tension and feeling of fatigue- Nissoken Seminar
Jun 30,2019
-What is the “healing” massage technique that relieves anxiety, tension and feeling of fatigue? –
Nissoken Seminar(Education and training services for nursing, medical care and welfare)
Get massage techniques of “relief” and “healed” massage practiced by estheticians of French national qualifications (C.A.P”and “CIDESCO International Esthetician) on site.
You can provide healing time to not only patients and pregnant women,
but also doctors and coworkers with anxiety, nervousness, and fatigue.
They can always relax and relieve their physical and mental well-being by being applied the massage.
Date: Wednesday, 29th, January
Place: Nissoken Training center (Hirose Ochanomizu Bldg.)
2-1-47, Kandasurugadai, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo.
Time: 11:00-16:00